Chastity Relationship benefits: obedience, libido & complicity.

  • Reading Time: 5 minutes
  • Published on: March 29, 2024
  • Last Updated: July 18, 2024
  • Reading Time: 5 minutes
  • Published on: March 29, 2024
  • Last Updated: July 18, 2024

Chastity Relationship Benefits: what improvements can you expect in your relationship?

I’ve already covered the bases of male chastity in previous articles, The Chastity Cage Guide being the perfect way to start learning if you’re still new to this life-changing practice.

Today we’ll be focused on the benefits of male chastity in your relationship. Perhaps you’ve come across other articles that speak of husband chastity training and its effects. You might have read about complicity, submission, obedience, increased connection, expansive orgasms and focused libido.


Posted by: Austin Madore
Posted by: Austin Madore
Austin Madore is the CEO and founder of Locked in Lust®, and creator of the only patented anti pullout system for their bespoke original chastity cage, The Vice™. He is in the Male Chastity lifestyle since over 20 years, and in the industry since 2014.

Understanding Male Sex Drive and Chastity

Research shows that about 75% of men will have a stronger sex drive than the average woman.

This usually comes at no surprise for us, men. Our gender is even often criticized as always thinking about sex and, why wouldn’t we? Having sex is incredible. A study done in 2023 shows how women’s sex drive is more influenced by social and cultural factors, while men’s sex drive is driven more strongly by biological factors.

So, let’s stop blaming men and pin in onto hormones (just kidding). The thing is that we have stopped differentiating having sex and penetration with ejaculation. Sex is much more than just cumming. It’s a holistic experience.

picture resembling chastity training with a big padlock attached to a man's belt, in front of his pants

Power exchange, a driver of improvement.

Power exchange in relationships can have positive effects when it is negotiated, consensual, and balanced between partners. Some key benefits include:

  • Allowing each partner to preserve their individuality and feel free to express themselves, even with divergent views, knowing they have a safe space for tolerance and respect.
  • Heightening autonomy and reducing emotional attachment that can lead to toxic traits such as jealousy and non consensual domination.
  • Fostering trust and enhancing positive attitudes toward the long-term relationship when partners view each other as partners, not rivals.

Men’s Health dedicated an entire article to this topic. They took the time to analyze and understand why chastity cages turn men on and, surprise surprise, it has to do with power exchange:

“For a lot of men, gender norms can lead to huge pressure to behave in certain ways—and a kink like chastity can be a safe escape from that, says Gigi Engle, a certified sex educator and author of All the Fcking Mistakes: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life*. “It comes, in part, from a desire to give over control, to escape from your role,” she says. “One of the reasons this kink is so popular, but still taboo, is that we’re afraid of that dynamic, we’re afraid, still, of female control and dominance.”

The key is for power exchange to be deliberate, consensual, and balanced between partners who share values of respect and good communication. So taking to your partner is a great way to start.

a man kneeling on one knee holding a tray

Stories of Chastity Relationship benefits from real locked couples

There’s nothing better than having someone share with you their own experience. Because the world is big and our community is small (although growing at an incredible pace), it might be hard to start a chat with a random at Starbucks about chastity.

Unless you find them taking a piss in the bathroom and you hear the clinging noice of their lock, it’s almost impossible to guess that they’re wearing a penis cage, specially if it’s a discreet one a Sissy Pussy Cage. (Go on, click on the link. You know you’re curious to see the Sissy Cage)

Yet, we have the World Wide Web to browse and read what other people are going through. I’m saving you the trouble of going through hundreds of posts and chains, here you have some stories from people’s experience and the benefits that male chastity has had for them and their relationships.

Male chastity, slippery slope?

On their Reddit post, newbie-sub shares a final edit to their thread where they explain how their chastity experience has become an addiction. I can certainly relate!

“Final Edit: it’s now been a month since I made this post. I have been denied for two weeks now. I see little reason to not severely limit my orgasms to a handful a year. It is absolutely a slippery slope but I don’t think it’s one because it’s played some psychological game on me or rewired my reward pathways. It’s been too soon for that. It’s addictive because it uncovers who we are when we get our dicks out of the way. And it turns out we’re better people.”

Chastity can work wonders in a marriage

I’m not the only one saying this, Scorpio351 shares the experience from the FemDom point of view and how it changed their couple life for the better.

“(…) the discovery of male chastity was something that certainly helped improve our marriage greatly. If your willing to try, it can change your life and his for the better. It can add a spark to that love life that has been neglected. It can motivate your man like nothing else to give his all to you. I have communicated over the years with over two dozen wives who keep their husbands chaste. I have met several of them in person and the one thing they all agree on is that the benefits of chastity for their marriages are incredible. It may amaze you, as it did me, to find out that so many men and women are using chastity as part of their relationship, really more than you could imagine. There is a lot of it being practiced, most likely by some of your friends. This story is a summary of what I have found out talking with many other women and practicing chastity with my husband for years. I hope it will help other wives who are considering the use of chastity in their relationship.”

If you choose to keep going down the rabbit hole of reading chastity experiences, you can start by following the threads of the stories posted above. Remember that what you find online has to be taken with a grain of salt since it’s easy to find extreme negative opinions that have no first-hand or scientific backbone. As an example, the most common myth is that chastity will cause permanent damage and shrinkage of your cock. I’ve debunked this myth in my article: Male Chastity Shrinking: Myth and Reality.

heterosexual couple experiencing the effects of behavior modification in bed

So, what are the top 3 chastity benefits in a relationship?

There are as many benefits as there are chastity stories. Each locked man and keyholder have their own stories yet, I believe these are the top 3 benefits:

  1. Improved Communication: As mentioned above, communication is key for consent. This practice requires a high level of communication to deeply understand the desires and expectations. Better communication equals better relationship.
  2. Enhanced Trust: Binding over a “taboo” topic such as kinks and fetishes increases your bond and trust towards each other. This level of trust can lead to a more fulfilling relationship.
  3. Increased Intimacy: The locked men becomes so much more focused on their keyholder instead of just releasing their biological urges. It becomes about their pleasure, a shared pleasure and not just emptying your balls with a quick wank.

It’s never too late to start a new chapter in your relationship. Choosing a beginner friendly cage such as TheVice can enhance the experience by giving you, and your keyholder, a guaranteed inescapable experience.

About the Author

Austin Madore
Austin Madore
Austin Madore is the CEO and founder of Locked in Lust®, and creator of the only patented anti pullout system for their bespoke original chastity cage, The Vice™. He is in the Male Chastity lifestyle since over 20 years, and in the industry since 2014.
Tags: chastity relationship / male chastity benefits / relationship benefits / relationships
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