Are Chastity Cages Safe? It’s On You. Here’s Why

  • Reading Time: 4 minutes
  • Published on: August 26, 2024
  • Last Updated: August 26, 2024
  • Reading Time: 4 minutes
  • Published on: August 26, 2024
  • Last Updated: August 26, 2024

One of the questions most newcomers have is “are chastity cages safe to wear?”; because it’s clear, one thing is the thrill of your fetish, and another is the idea of potentially have temporary or even permanent consequences from locking up your cock in chastity device.

Plus, all information is largely anecdotal and often coming from the opinions of online “experts” and lifestylers who generally have no actual clue besides their fantasies. However, there are a few certainties.


Posted by: Austin Madore
Posted by: Austin Madore
Austin Madore is the CEO and founder of Locked in Lust®, and creator of the only patented anti pullout system for their bespoke original chastity cage, The Vice™. He is in the Male Chastity lifestyle since over 20 years, and in the industry since 2014.

Product Discovery

Temporary Risks and Side Effects of Male Chastity

I’ll assume you’ve already read that not all chastity cages are the same, and choosing a high quality chastity cage makes an enormous difference in estimating possible side effects. In fact, a high quality chastity device that has been designed professionally and sized properly, will not cause any problem.

As long as you remember to have a good chastity hygiene drill and you are not stopping ejaculating for over a couple months, you should be good to go.

But, since the vast majority of newcomers prefer to start with cheap Amazon or eBay cock cages, let’s see what to expect.

picture of two blue balls made of plastic

Frequent Side Effect 1: Blue balls

No, they don’t actually turn that color unless your chastity ring is too tight – but repeatedly denied ejaculation (“edging”) can indeed make you feel a deep discomfort on your balls, due to what is technically known as epididymal hypertension. That’s doctorspeak for «the upper part of the testicles got engorged with blood as it normally happens during arousal, but since there was no orgasm they are still somewhat compressed. So you ache».

It is nothing serious: some masochists may even see it as a bonus (and some sadists may increase the discomfort just by frequent teasing to prolong it indefinitely), and it immediately goes away when you ejaculate anyway.

picture of a banana with some cream on the tip

Frequent Side Effect 2: Leaking Unexpectedly

Those wet dreams you may have had as a teen were simply the release of the excess sperm and prespermatic fluid produced by your body. The quantity may decrease with age, but if you aren’t allowed to reach climax for a few days the principle remains the same: part of that stuff gets reabsorbed by the organism, but the rest must be expelled somehow. Wet spots are a side effect of prolonged chastity play, and pose no worry at all.

There’s also the occasional leak after sitting on the toilet to urinate. That depends on the chastity cage model you chose, as some do compress more than others, and if you’re cut or uncut also makes a difference.


Male Chastity and Prostate Cancer

There was a reasonably good study by the Harvard research that found that almost-daily orgasms decrease the risk for some types of prostate cancer by about 20%. No, it wasn’t conclusive, and most doctors agree that there probably is no real correlation. On the other hand, fewer ejaculations may contribute to prostate enlargement and inflammation. Which is why responsible dominants resort to milking their subs.

And by the way, to lighten up the mood a bit, here are the top 3 sub milking ideas from one of our keyholders.


different chastity cages for chastity sizing purposes

Infrequent and Contextual Side Effects of Wearing Chastity Cages

Chastity cages are safe to use when you play responsibly. Most of the side effects (like blue balls and leaking) are to be expected as contextual effects of male chastity, and shouldn’t be taken seriously. There are however some less frequent issues with longer lockups (which is why you should be patient and learn how to work your way up to longer chastity lockups).

image showing a man with fertility issues and a disappointed woman in bed

Infrequent Side Effect 1: Fertility issues

The jury is still out on the topic, but medical science leans on the side of caution, and warns that the lack of a normal sexual activity (read: regular ejaculations) carries a risk of reduced fertility.

That’s the first reason why smart and responsible keyholders will drain their submissive at least once every two months; while there’s no clinical evidence or correlation between male chastity and infertility, it’s sure that to keep good fertility levels, a male should be having a healthy ejaculation regime. Again, not going beyond 2 months is usually recommended.

image of a man surprised at the chastity cage side effects

Infrequent Side Effect 2: Loss of Erectile Strength

This is a really rough model, but think of the penis as a garden hose: the more you bend it, the more difficult it is for the water to flow and fill it. The same goes for the tissues and vessels inside your dick that become engorged with blood during erections: keep them constrained too long – and we’re talking many months without unlocking, here – and they will gradually lose their stretching ability, making erections less firm until they are gone. The effect mostly reverses with time and use.

image of chastity shrinkage symbolized by a soft banana

Infrequent Side Effect 3: Atrophy (Chastity Shrinking)

By the same principle, a really extended time restrained in a chastity device may make the penis a bit shorter and thinner. Forget those dramatic “before and after” photos you have seen online: in the real world, the worst that may happen is a 10% decrease, again temporary. I guess you don’t want it to be a surprise, though.

We have an entire article on the topic here, so read on if you want to find out if and how a chastity cage might shrink your penis.

High Quality Chastity Devices vs Novelty Items

While some chastity cages are designed by brands notorious for their attention to detail and designing chastity cages intended for long term wear, many other devices or accessories are not designed for long term wear, and can cause easily lots of side effects.

Think as an example, at the difference between a standard anti pullout for your chastity cage, or a spiked pullout, inspired by Kali’s teeth bracelets. Clearly these two different designs are going to involve different levels of risk.

man in chastity experiencing blue balls because the chastity sizing is too tight

Here you can see the result of a ring that is too tight, and the purple color of the scrotum.

Wrapping It Up

Ultimately, chastity cages are safe in the measure of how responsible and experienced you or your keyholder are. Irresponsible usage of anything, can cause problems in the long run and even the short one. 

So always play responsibly, and keep yourself informed on the blogs of experienced lifestyle participants like us; most of all, never be shy to ask questions or even drop an anonymous comment. 

About the Author

Austin Madore
Austin Madore
Austin Madore is the CEO and founder of Locked in Lust®, and creator of the only patented anti pullout system for their bespoke original chastity cage, The Vice™. He is in the Male Chastity lifestyle since over 20 years, and in the industry since 2014.
Tags: chastity safety / long term chastity / safety
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